


Art. 1. ASSOCIATION FOR GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS is a non-profit association and is a legal entity under Bulgarian legislation with its registered office: Plovdiv, 43 “Hristo G. Danov” Street.

Art. 2. ASSOCIATION FOR GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS, referred to as OGOK or the club for short, defines itself as an organization for carrying out activities for private benefit and is established for an indefinite period.

Art. 3. OGOK carries out its activities based on the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria, its Statute and regulations, the Statute and regulations of BNFC and FCI.

Art. 4. OGOK will apply for full membership in the Bulgarian National Kennel Federation, referred to as BNFC for short, and will comply with its Statute, rules and other acts of its governing bodies.


Art. 5. Main objectives:

  1. to unite the owners of purebred dogs with proven origin from the German Shepherd breed and their lovers;
  2. to preserve and distribute German Shepherd dogs in a pure form;
  3. to increase the canine culture of its members and promote its activities to the general public;

Art. 6. Tasks to achieve the goals:

  1. to record in a general register all dogs of the German Shepherd breed in the country;
  2. to apply only and only the purebred breeding method;
  3. to search for and study data concerning the breed of German Shepherd Dog, as well as to provide them to its members and to periodical cynological publications;
  4. to organize for its members and invited guests specialized exhibitions and seminars and conferences related to the main objectives.

Art. 7. Means of achieving the goals:

  1. identification by tattoo or microchip of all dogs of proven origin from the German Shepherd breed that are suitable for breeding and creation of a database for dogs with an implanted microchip;
  2. assistance in issuing pedigrees of German Shepherd dogs in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for Selection and Breeding of OGOK and BNFC;
  3. entering the stud dogs in the STUD BOOK and creating a photo archive;
  4. creation and adoption of regulations and other internal regulations for its activities, consistent with those of BNFC and FCI;
  5. carrying out litter characterization, expert evaluations, examinations of young dogs and keeping documentation for club events;
  6. organizing and conducting club exterior exhibitions;
  7. promptly informing the media about club events;
  8. creation and maintenance of a Web page on the Internet;
  9. creation of an e-mail connection between the members of OGOK;
  10. maintaining contacts with clubs and kennels from other countries to exchange information related to the activities of OGOK;
  11. distribution of specialized canine literature among the members, the Standard and interpretations of the standard of the German Shepherd Dog breed and other educational materials related to the proper breeding and breeding of the German Shepherd Dog breed;
  12. increasing the quality of the exterior of dogs of the German Shepherd breed by means of purposeful breeding activity, correct selection, import of valuable specimens or seed material from other countries and fertilization;
  13. giving competent advice to its members and undertaking their protection in case of need;
  14. recognition of kennels for dogs of the German Shepherd breed, as well as their presentation to the BNFC and FCI;
  15. presentation to the BNFC of candidates for national judges of the German Shepherd breed.


Art. 8. Individuals and legal entities can be members of the club.

Art. 9. Any adult natural person who recognizes the Statute and regulations of OGOK can become a member of the club, regardless of gender, citizenship, religion, ethnicity and political views, by submitting an application form and being approved as a member by the Board.

Art. 10. Any legal entity that recognizes the Statute and regulations of OGOK can become a member of the club by submitting an application form and being approved as a member by the Board.

Art. 11. (1) Membership in the club is voluntary. To acquire the status of a member, the applicant submits a written application form to the Management Board, which examines it and approves its membership. Until his membership is confirmed, the candidate is a candidate member of OGOK.

(2) Applicant legal entities shall attach to the written application-model a decision of their governing body for membership in the club.

(3) The application is accepted at a meeting of the Management Board. The Board notifies the applicant in writing of receipt of his application. The candidate is considered accepted after submitting an application that he will comply with the legal documents of OGOK, its approval by the Board of Directors and payment of the introductory fee and membership fee for the current year. All these prerequisites must be met to acquire full membership. The membership fee is paid by March 31 for the current year.

( 4 ) After submitting an application for membership until its acceptance, the applicant is considered a candidate member of OGOK, the next membership fee is paid and he has all the rights as a full member, except for the right to vote when making decisions by the General Assembly of OGOK. He is only entitled to an advisory vote.

Art. 12. Membership in the club is terminated upon leaving, exclusion, dropping out, death or placement under a total ban, and also upon termination of the club.

a/ the departure is made with a written application in free text to the Management Board of the club, submitted one month in advance.

b/ decision to exclude from the club is made by the General Assembly. Exclusion from the club is imposed in the following cases:

  1. violation of the Statute, regulations and other regulations of the club;
  2. in the event of unethical behavior and in the event of established actions against the interests of the club and its prestige, as well as towards each of its individual members.

c/ cancellation due to non-payment of the established property contributions.

d/ termination of membership upon termination of the club occurs in the following cases:

  1. by decision of the General Assembly of the club;
  2. by decision of the competent court in the cases provided for by law.


Art. 13. Every natural person – member of the club has the following rights:

  1. to participate in solving the issues affecting the interests and activities of the club and its members;
  2. by vote in the General Assembly and to be elected to the management of the club;
  3. to use the club’s information free of charge and to request it;
  4. to terminate his membership.

Art. 14. Each legal entity – member of the club has the following rights:

  1. to participate in solving the issues affecting the interests and activities of the club and its members;
  2. right to one vote in the General Assembly and to be elected in the management of the club;
  3. to use and request club information free of charge;
  4. to terminate his membership.

Art. 15. Each member – natural or legal person is obliged to:

  1. to comply with the Statute, rules and other provisions of the club;
  2. to pay his membership fee regularly and on time;
  3. to attend and participate in club events;
  4. to inform in a timely manner when changing his address and telephone number.

Art. 16. The fulfillment of membership obligations and the exercise of membership rights may be granted to another person by means of a written authorization from the holder.


Art. 17. The governing bodies of OGOK are:

a/ general assembly /OS/ – consists of all members of OGOK;

b/ management board /SC/ – operational management body of OGOK.

Art. 18. The GENERAL MEETING is the supreme body of OGOK and is convened at least once a year by the Board on its initiative or at the request of one third of the club’s members. If, in the latter case, the Board of Directors does not issue a written invitation within a month to convene the General Meeting, it shall be convened by the court at the seat of the club at the written request of the interested members or a person authorized by them.

Art. 19. (1) The competences of the OS include:

  1. amendments and additions to the Statute;
  2. adopts and supervises the implementation of internal acts;
  3. electing and dismissing the members of the Board of Directors;
  4. exclusion of members;
  5. making decisions regarding the opening of regional sections;
  6. making a decision to participate in other organizations;
  7. making a decision to transform and terminate the club;
  8. adopts the main guidelines and program for the club’s activities;
  9. accepts the club’s budget;
  10. makes decisions regarding the liability, amount and methods of payment of the introductory and annual membership fees or property contributions;
  11. accepts the report on the activity of the Board;
  12. annuls decisions of the other bodies of the club, which contradict the Law, the Statute or other internal acts regulating the activity of the club;
  13. makes other decisions provided for in the Articles of Association;
  14. makes decisions regarding the opening and closing of committees;
  15. announces honorary members;
  16. creates temporary commissions if necessary.

(2) The rights under para. 1, items 1, 3, 7, 9, 11 and 12 cannot be assigned to other bodies of the club.

(3) The decisions of the General Assembly are binding on the other bodies of the club.

(4) The decisions of the General Assembly are subject to judicial control regarding their legality and compliance with the Statute.

(5) The decisions of the bodies of the OGOK, which were taken in contradiction to the Law, the Statute or a previous decision of the General Assembly, may be challenged before the General Assembly at the request of the interested members of the club or its body, made within one month of their knowledge, but no later than one year from the date of the decision.

(6) Disputes under para. 4 may be brought before the registration court by any member of the club or its body, or by the prosecutor within one month of becoming aware of them, but no later than one year from the date of the decision.

Art. 20. A general meeting attended by 50% plus one of the club members is considered legal. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting is adjourned one hour later at the same place and on the same agenda and is considered legitimate regardless of the number of members present.

Art. 21. An extraordinary General Meeting can be convened if necessary by the club’s Board of Directors or at the written request of one-tenth of its members.

Art. 22. (1) A regular General Meeting is held after a written invitation to each member, which contains the agenda, date, time and venue and on whose initiative it is convened. An invitation is published within 30 days on the club’s website and sent by e-mail to members.

(2) The text of the invitation is posted at the headquarters of the club and BNFC at least one month before the scheduled day.

Art. 23. (1) Each member of the club has the right to one vote.

(2) One person may represent no more than three members of the General Assembly based on a written power of attorney.

(3) Reauthorization is not allowed.

Art. 24. The decisions of the General Meeting are taken by a majority of the votes, but to amend and supplement the Statute, to transform or terminate the club, a majority of 2/3 of the votes presented at the meeting of the General Meeting is required.

Art. 25. A member of the Board of Directors does not have the right to vote on matters concerning him, his spouse, direct relatives without restrictions, as well as his relatives in the silver line – up to the fourth degree, or by matchmaking – up to the second degree inclusive.

Art. 26. OS exercises control over the overall activity of OGOK and its financial condition.

Art. 27. MANAGEMENT COUNCIL /SC/ – consists of five to seven members who are elected by the General Assembly for a term of up to five years.

Art. 28. The Board consists of a chairman, a person responsible for breeding activities ( breeder ) , a person responsible for sports activities, a secretary-treasurer and members.

Art. 29. The Board performs operational-executive and coordination functions and directs the activities of the club for the period between general meetings:

  1. represents the club and determines the scope of the representative power of individual members;
  2. ensures the implementation of the decisions of the OS;
  3. disposes of the club’s property in compliance with the requirements of the Statute;
  4. register new club members;
  5. prepares and submits to the OS a draft budget;
  6. prepares and submits to the General Assembly a report on the club’s activities;
  7. determines the order and organizes the performance of the club’s activities, being responsible for this;
  8. determines the address of the club;
  9. makes a decision on all issues that by law or according to the Statute do not fall under the rights of another body;
  10. fulfills the obligations stipulated in the Statute;
  11. draw up regulations for the work of the club;
  12. responds in writing within 14 days to all documents duly received by the club.
  13. In exceptional cases and urgent need, makes decisions related to applying for membership or terminating the association’s membership in other non-profit organizations.

Art. 30. (1) The meetings of the Board are convened and chaired by the chairman. The Chairman is obliged to convene the meeting of the Board at the written request of one third of its members. If the chairman does not call the meeting of the Board within a week, it can be called by any of the interested members of the Board. In the absence of the chairman, the meeting is chaired by a member appointed by the Board.

(2) The Board may take a decision if more than half of its members are present at its meeting.

(3) A person with whom there is a two-way telephone or other connection, guaranteeing the establishment of his identity and allowing his participation in the discussion and decision-making, is also present. The vote of this member is certified in the minutes by the chairman of the meeting.

(4) The decisions of the Board of Directors are taken by a majority of those present, and the decisions for which a special majority is provided for in the Articles of Association, as provided for in the relevant texts of the Articles of Association.

(5) The Board may take a decision without a meeting being held, if the minutes of the decision taken are signed by all members of the Board without remarks or objections.

Art. 31. The Board of Directors keeps the following documents:

  1. minutes of the meetings of the General Assembly;
  2. protocol book for the meetings of the Board;
  3. accounting documentation;
  4. Pedigree book, breeding documents, documentation from club events, photo archive.

Art. 32. The Board reports its activities to the General Assembly.

Art. 33. THE CHAIRMAN represents OGOK before all national, foreign and international state bodies and public organizations, certifies the documents issued by the club, manages the club’s activities and disposes of the funds according to the decision of the Board of Directors, annually submits a plan for the club’s activities in the upcoming year and a report on the past year’s activities before the General Assembly.

Art. 34.(1). SECRETARY-TREASURER collects the membership fee, reports the income every month to the Board and once a year to the General Assembly.

(2).Prepares announcements, invitations to the club’s events and stores all documents related to the club’s activities, keeps the breeding documents and the stud book, stores evaluation sheets, coordinates the tattooing or chipping process, maintains the database for dogs with implanted microchips, prepares the documents, prepares the pedigrees and offers the pedigrees for certification at the BNFC, offers kennels for registration before the BNFC, as well as any other activities assigned to him by the OS or the Board.

Art. 35. OS selects and SELECTOR. The BREEDER is responsible for the breeding activity and has at least the rank of a club judge. In his work, he is guided by the Rules for Selection and Breeding of OGOK, represents OGOK before the BNFC at the meetings of the Breeding Commission or authorizes another member of the club to do so, performs inspections, grading and acceptance of litters.


Art. 36. OGOK’s property consists of cash that is raised from:

  1. membership fee;
  2. contributions for participation in club exhibitions and expert evaluations;
  3. issuance of pedigrees and other club documents;
  4. registration of kennels;
  5. donations;
  6. sponsorship;
  7. contributions for presentations on the club’s official website;
  8. inheritance.

Art. 37. Funds raised can only be used for the club’s goals and objectives. All incurred expenses are documented by the Board of Directors and controlled by the OGOK Board of Directors.


Art. 38. (1) OGOK shall be terminated:

  1. by decision of its supreme body;
  2. by decision of the district court at the seat, when it is not established according to the legal order, carries out an activity that contradicts the law or is contrary to public order and good morals,
  3. has been declared bankrupt.

(2) The decision of the court under para. 1, items 1 and 3 shall be decided at the request of any interested party or the prosecutor.

(3) The court may grant an appropriate term for the removal of the grounds for termination and its consequences.

(4) In the cases of para. 2, the termination is entered ex officio and the court appoints a liquidator.

Art. 39. (1) Upon termination of OGOK, liquidation shall be carried out.

(2) The liquidation is carried out by the Board of Directors.

(3) Regarding bankruptcy and insolvency, the procedure for liquidation and the powers of the liquidator, the provisions of the Commercial Law shall apply accordingly.

Art. 40. Property after liquidation:

(1) The distribution of the remaining property after satisfying the creditors is decided by the Board of Directors of OGOK.

(2) The property under the preceding paragraphs cannot be distributed and sold or in any way transferred to a liquidator or his relatives.

(3) The persons who acquired property as a result of the liquidation carried out under para. 1 and 2, are responsible for the obligations of the club after termination up to the amount acquired.

Art. 41. Deletion of OGOK: after distribution of the property, the liquidator is obliged to request deletion of the entry.


Art. 42. OGOK has BULSTAT, seal and emblem. The club’s OS decides what elements should appear in the club’s logo. It must contain the name of the club. By decision of the OS, a bank account can be opened for the needs of the club.

Art. 43. All management positions in the club work on a voluntary basis. An exception may be allowed only with a decision of the OS of OGOK.

Art. 44. The present Articles of Association were adopted at the founding General Meeting of OGOK held on 21.09.2019. The Statute was amended at the General Meeting held on 17.01.2020 .