Regulations for judges in OGOK

Regulations for judges in OGOK

1. OGOK has the following types of judges:

Breeding judge

Trial judge

Handlers (experts in determining the breeding suitability of dogs)

2. Basic conditions for acquiring the title of judge:

Each candidate judge submits an application to the SC

All judges with cardotech according to their directions, their activity is controlled by the Board of OGOK.

3. Conditions for acquiring the title of judge:

Candidate judges must be at least 25 years of age at the time of application.

They must be regular members of OGOK for at least 3 years.

They must be in good standing within the organization.

They must have interned at a minimum of 12 events within 3 years of submitting the application.

Candidate breeding judges must have produced a minimum of 5 litters in OGOK and have one trained dog pass the IGP 1 exam.

Candidate judges in training must have produced a minimum of two litters in OGOC and have one trained dog pass an exam with a grade of “VERY GOOD” IGP 1.

Candidate judges pass a preliminary exam on knowledge of:

the breed standard

the rules for referees




The exam is taken before the start of the internship before the Judicial Commission.

The actual exam takes place at the end of the third year of their internship.

The permit for judicial rights is signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors on the basis of the examination protocol provided by the Judicial Commission and enters into force from the day of signing.

Any regular member of OGOK can be accepted unconditionally as a breeding or trials judge, if he has defended the corresponding title before a Judging Commission in another country, whose organization for OGOK is a member of FCI.

4. Activity as a judge:

Each judge works on a public basis – his position is not full-time.

The organizers of the exhibition undertake to bear all the expenses of the judge.

The judge is obliged to strictly observe the relevant rules and regulations.

The judge is obliged to behave collegially and behave impeccably both within the OGOK and outside it.

The judge is obliged to respect the deadlines and commitments made for judging. In case of valid reasons, he is obliged to notify the organizers in a timely manner. To make a written report on the judged/tested dogs, which is submitted to the office.

5. Termination of activity as a judge:

In case of death.

Upon voluntary refusal.

In case of exclusion from OGOK or deprivation of judicial rights by the Board of Directors of OGOK.

If for three years, he never once worked as a judge.

6. Curator:

The handler is a judge determining the breeding suitability of the dogs.

The conductor must meet all the requirements for a judge.

The conductors are proposed by the Judiciary Committees and approved by the OGOK Board of Directors.

Other Handlers may be appointed by the Board of OGOK, having worked as breeding judges for three years and have not been penalized.

The certificate for Caretaker is signed by the Chairman of the Board of OGOK and comes into force from the date of signing.